About me

Hi, I’m Gareth!

I’ve been working in web development since 2005, mainly in Ruby on Rails but with a broad range of other technologies under my belt.

This is where I type words I think other people might like to read.

When I’m not developing I’m a big fan of puzzles, games and quizzes. Wherever you are in the world, take a look at Puzzled Pint to find a monthly meetup with interesting, accessible puzzles.


At the moment I’m working at BridgeU to help improve access to university guidance, and help students make informed decisions about their higher education journey.

Before then I worked in Internet Research and Future Services for BBC R&D.

I started my web development career at Guildford-based web agency Kyan on a variety of client websites.

Everywhere I’ve worked has been a great collaborative learning experience - if you get a chance to work for any of these companies you’ll be doing very well.